Friday, May 14, 2010

Fab Friday and Fill-ins

Hi everyone, sorry for the light posting this week. Mom and Dad left Monday and we've been so busy this week getting ready for our trip to Savannah. We are in the car right now heading to GA. I am definitely looking forward to spending the weekend just the 2 of us. I have a few posts ready to go up while we are gone and hopefully we'll be back to normal next week (with a trip recap). Sorry if the formatting is funny, blogger and my iPhone aren't getting along well.

Have a great weekend! 

I started following Design Girl last week and The Fab Friday this week is Chick Flick's so I couldn't resist participating!  Here are a few of my favs:

The Notebook 
Pretty Woman
Dirty Dancing
27 Dresses
The Ugly Truth
The Proposal
The Wedding Date
My Best Friend's Wedding
In Her Shoes

I'm sure that there are more if I looked through my movies. 

Time to Fill-in the blanks with Lauren:

1.  The very best thing about the summer is the longer days and all of the parties and cook outs. Lots of time for walks or runs or heading out to the beach.

2.  My first crush ever was  Ummmm I have no idea actually. I've been thinking about this since I read the questions and I really can't remember. Guess he wasn't that memorable! :-)

3.  This may sound really silly but   I would rather have cake without frosting and I don't like donuts.  Ok weird but I don't have much else, plus whenever I tell people this they think I'm joking but I'm not. 

4.  I squeeze my toothpaste from the bottom of the tube. It drives me crazy when people squeeze from the middle, which is why KC and I don't share. 

5.  My absolute favorite "comfort food" is  either pizza or salt and vinegar chips

6.  A random fact about me is that  I worked on a bridge to Canada flagging traffic in the summers during high school and a few during college

7.  The one piece of technology that truly makes my life better and I couldn't live without is   definitely my iPhone. I never thought it would be that big of a deal when I had a 'normal' phone, now I feel lost without it.

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