Hey, remember me, the girl that used to blog here. I hope so. Last week was a good and bad week. I got a new job (Yeah!), but I'm having trouble coming up with blogging content and I don't really want to get too caught up in participating in things just to have some blogging content. So I'll slowly make my way back and blog what I've got and not push myself too much. I'll get back to commenting too! I have been reading though, so please don't think I haven't. With that said, it was a great weekend.
We decided on Wednesday that we should take Friday off. We had plans for the weekend and wanted to enjoy them and had some things to get done around the house.
Friday we got some stuff done (cleaning, cooking) and headed off to the beach. On the way we stopped at the Outlets where I got some new running clothes (finally some shorts) and visited the Loft Outlet. I think I could have stayed in there for hours! I found a few new shirts and sweaters. With my new position I feel like I need to dress up a little bit more. I'm pretty sure KC doesn't want me going back there for a while, but I'm planning to go back when mom and dad visit! I'm limiting myself though to what I can't buy (solid sweaters, ruffle tanks and plain cardigans (without something underneath - not allowed!). I think I need to expand my accessories, scarves and jewelry will go far. I've never been one to branch far in the jewelry area but I think it'll help!
We got to the beach house late Friday and stayed up late chatting. Saturday while KC went to play Ultimate with his team I went for a run/walk. Half marathon training is not going well though. I was fine until last weekend, when my ankle started hurting and I just can't figure it out. I tried to go easy on it this week but I think I just need to let it rest for a few more days. It just hurts and I don't know what's wrong, it's in the back, so doesn't feel like I rolled it.
The rest of the day Saturday we went to the beach and it was wonderful. Earl couldn't keep us away. The water was a bit rough.and the waves were definitely big. Sunday the waves calmed a bit. All in all though, the weather was phenomenal. Temps in the upper-80's I think and just beautiful. We could not have asked for more perfect weather. One a little bit of a sun-burn so all-in-all a very successful beach trip!
It was different people's responsibilities to plan meals (we did breakfast) and one of his teammates was talking to KC about dinner and they had the fabulous idea to replicate a Tahou's Garbage Plate. His teammate is from Rochester and we went to school there so it was a must at that point. Now before I go into the details into what is contained in a plate, I should say that the first time I heard of it, I thought, how disgusting, are you serious. Then I tried it and I was like, whoa, not bad. Then, one night at 2AM as we headed home from the bar we stopped and that was it, it is like heavenly drunk food! Ha ha. Your typical garbage plate looks similar to this:
What is it you ask? Well, it's have 'hash browns' and half macaroni salad on the bottom. Then 2-cheeseburgers on top, followed by the 'special sauce'. Typically there are fresh chopped onions on top (not on mine) and then people put various amounts of hot sauce, ketchup and mustard on top. The key is to cut it all up and mix it together. It looks gross, but it is so delicious. I only at 1 burger and definitely it wasn't as big as the pic above. If you ever go to Rochester, NY, I would highly recommend a
Tahou's garbage plate, either from the original Tahou's or at a local 'Hots'. There are other varieties, with hot dogs and chicken and other things instead of burgers, but that is a traditional plate and the only one I've had to vouch for.
Monday we headed to the local Triple A team's baseball game as friends had extra tickets. It was hot but it was nice to spend an afternoon at a baseball game. We went into extra innings and had a lot of fun. It was relaxing, nice to sit and chat. Afterwards some people came over for dinner and then we took to relaxing.
At the game this was the foul pole: "Eat more Fowl".
I find it so funny and I love watching all of the Chik-Fil-A commercials and billboards. The cows are so funny. Who-ever came up with that marketing idea is a genius and I hope they got their share of the $$. They make me laugh every time I see them.
I started Firefly Lane and I'm halfway through it. So far, I'm liking it. I didn't read a description beforehand, just some recommendations and decided to just wing it. I kind of like doing that, I have no idea where the book is going right now, but I'm definitely liking it.
If you made it to the end, thanks, sorry it was so long! I hope everyone else had a great weekend as well. Time for a 4-day week, just think, it's already Tuesday!