Sunday, December 4, 2011

#WEverb11 #3: Learn


What lesson did you learn in 2011 from “The School of Life” rather than a classroom?
      Contributed by Julie Jordan Scott [] 

This year I learned to be content.  I've always been one who wanted more.  I always wanted what was next in life, to be married, to buy a house, to have a kid, a different job.  I know that there is always something more that I will want, but with Alex's arrival I have learned that I need to be content with what I have.  I have learned that if I don't start living with what's going on today, I'm going to miss all those milestones and developments.  I don't want to be wishing away Alex's childhood.  I want to enjoy it watch him grow.  I want to enjoy my time with my family and build memories to last a lifetime.  So what if the picture isn't perfect or we don't have the best there is.  Time to be happy with what I have!


For more info on #WEverb11, check it out here, and join in!

Check out the other replies for today's prompt!

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