I saw this link to
CareerPath Career Counselor and I thought that it was quite interesting. I've never taken any career quizzes before, so I decided to do the "Color Career Counselor" to see the results. The results were quite interesting, some were dead on and some were not..
Best Occupational Category: You're an ORGANIZER
Key Words: Self-Control, Practical, Self-Contained, Orderly, Systematic, Precise, and Accurate
These conservative appearing, plotting-types enjoy organizing, data systems, accounting, detail, and accuracy. They often enjoy mathematics and data management activities such as accounting and investment management. Persistence and patience allows them to do detailed paperwork, operate office machines, write business reports, and make charts and graphs.
Yes I definitely am. I sometimes may categorize myself as having OCD. While I don't perform any of the jobs that they suggested, maybe I'll have to look into the for the future. :-)
2nd Best Occupational Category: You're a RESEARCHER
Independent, Self-Motivated, Reserved, Introspective, Analytical, and Curious
These investigative types gather information, analyze and interpret data, and inquire to uncover new facts. They have a strong scientific orientation, enjoy academic or research environments and prefer self-reliant jobs. Dislikes are group projects, selling, and repetitive activities.
I don't think that this one is as accurate. While I fit the bill for most of the Keywords, I don't fit the description as well.
Have you tried any of these tests before? How accurate was it for you?
I saw this link off of
How About Orange to
CareerPath and I thought that it was quite interesting. I've never taken any career quizzes before, so I decided to do the "Color Career Counselor". The results were quite interesting.