Tuesday, June 28, 2011

And it's just us!

Well the last of family has left and it's just Alex and I during the day. We had a day last week where no one was here but Kurt worked from home so we weren't really 'alone'.

Today we're hanging out, getting things done and having some cuddles(waiting for the storm to roll in)! Glad to have him to myself for a little Hopefully we'll be back to semi-regular blogging tomorrow. I'm working on the birth story!

Meanwhile, I'm posting weekly/monthly updates on the baby blog, but thought I'd just do monthly updates here. I'm working on the 3 week update this afternoon! If you want to see those, you can hop on over: http://babychapmanonboard.blogspot.com/

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. WOW, its very easy and nice method and post you share are very helpful for my project of making garden sheds cover. Thanks


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